
Questions to Ask When Buying Saw Blades

Asking a woodworker how essential saw blades are is like wanting to know if using the correct clubs makes a difference in your golf game. You wouldn’t have many successes teeing off with a putter or chipping with a driver. The same line of thinking also holds true when it comes to choosing saw blades. […]

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Parts of a Circular Saw Blade

Saw blades come in many different variations. How does the actual makeup of the blade play into things? Let’s demystify this tool by breaking it into its four essential qualities: number of teeth, gullet size, tooth configuration and hook angle. Number of teeth: Saw blades will have different numbers of teeth depending on whether they […]

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What are Table Saws Used For?

Blades for table saws need to be able to perform a number of basic tasks extremely well. Because table saws are for long cuts, you’ll find yourself using them for many purposes and numerous materials. You’ll use your table saw for different tasks, particularly if you have other saws available like a hand saw or […]

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The Benefits of Having High-Quality Blades for Miter Saws

Just as with the table saw, a good blade makes a world of difference on a miter saw. Even though miter saw cuts aren’t quite as long as those made by table saws, miter saw blades have a unique set of demands made on them. With a table saw, the wood meets the blade at […]

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Can I Use a Rip Blade on a Miter Saw?

Why Not to Use a Rip Saw Blade on a Miter Saw You can’t use a rip blade for on a miter saw because the design of a miter saw is such that wood lays across its blade path and not along it. For this reason, you will not use a miter saw for ripping. Rip blades […]

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